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Why Morningstar Office's Retirement Is Your Firm's Unexpected Growth Opportunity

Thursday, Feb 27
@ 2:00PM ET


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In addition to a powerful CRM, AdvisorEngine delivers a complete, end-to-end wealth management platform that can help your firm turn the surprising news of Morningstar Office’s retirement into an exciting growth opportunity.

Through a unique combination of technology and people, AdvisorEngine is here to support your firm’s growth by helping to make the switch you might have already had in mind.

Please join us for an upcoming webinar on Thursday, February 27th at 2pm EST, where we will make the case in more detail.

Topics of the webinar will include:

  • The benefits and features provided by our portfolio management suite, including a powerful trading and rebalancing program, in-depth and highly customizable reporting capabilities at the firm and client levels, and more
  • How our complete platform can better support firm growth through unified data and workflows that deliver elevated advisor, business and client experiences 
  • Our Partnership approach and the ways that our team will work with you through the transition from Morningstar Office
  • The unique access to investment data and services through our parent company Franklin Templeton
  • How we will deliver all of the above with competitive pricing and terms that support your firm's near-term transition and long-term success




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